Attention High Achieving Women


Luxury and love.

Discover the Proven Blueprint To Cultivate Authentic Confidence, Ignite Your Inner Power and Forge Meaningful Relationships that Transform Your Life.

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Attention High Achieving Women


Luxury and love.


Discover the proven blueprint to cultivate your feminine and spiritual gifts, increase your confidence, charisma and magnetism and leverage it all to build soulful wealth and be positive force for good in the world..

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From the desk of: Ekene Onu

Dear friend,

Are you tired of spinning your wheels, working tirelessly in your career or business, only to feel like you’ve plateaued when you desire exponential growth?

Are you considered #goals but the truth is you are exhausted by the constant struggle of trying to balance your professional success while also building a soulful life with meaningful, thriving relationships?

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper sense of purpose and spiritual fulfillment, all while creating wealth and living a luxurious life?

Well, if you're nodding your head, then you’re not alone.

In fact, you are probably like many women who know that God created them for more and you feel a deep calling to rise. The truth is stepping up as a thought-leader to build financial abundance without sacrificing your femininity can be a daunting adventure, filled with uncertainty, roadblocks and setbacks.

From the desk of: Ekene Onu

Dear friend,

Are you tired of spinning your wheels, working tirelessly in your career or business, only to feel like you’ve plateaued when you desire exponential growth?

Are you considered #goals but the truth is you are exhausted by the constant struggle of trying to balance your professional success while also building a soulful life with meaningful, thriving relationships?

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper sense of purpose and spiritual fulfillment, all while creating wealth and living a luxurious life?

Well, if you're nodding your head, then you’re not alone.

In fact, you are probably like many women who know that God created them for more and you feel a deep calling to rise. The truth is stepping up as a thought-leader to build financial abundance without sacrificing your femininity can be a daunting adventure, filled with uncertainty, roadblocks and setbacks.

But what if I told you there is a better, easier way…

In just a minute I’ll show you exactly how to get there but first let me ask you:

  • Are you tired of hustling, unsure of the right strategies and guidance to increase your revenue and build the wealth you desire in a soulful and less stressful way?
  • You pour your heart and soul into your work, and you’ve made some strides but you know that there’s more for you. More success, more purpose, more passion and right now, it feels so out of reach, it’s leaving you questioning your abilities and potential.
  • I know how incredibly frustrating it can be to work really hard only to feel like you never really made it or even worse that your professional success is costing you your relationships.
  • Navigating the path to success as a high-achieving woman can feel like wandering through a maze blindfolded.
  • The endless hours spent hustling and grinding seem to yield just basic rewards, leaving you feeling stuck and disillusioned.
  • I know you've been investing in yourself: listening to audiobooks/podcasts, buying courses or even attending conferences, only to find yourself yearning for more due to the lack of progress you’ve made.
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Click here to see testimonials from high achieving women like yourself!

The truth is,

most programs out there are usually one-size fits all and they overlook the cultural, spiritual and psycho-social elements that make you a whole and vibrant woman, capable of achieving extraordinary success.

Without the right support for how to break through the fears & limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in order to become an inspirational woman of influence in your field, you’ll constantly find yourself struggling to get to the next level and live up to your full potential.

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But what if there was a 

better way… 

  • Imagine if you could effortlessly attract high-paying clients and lucrative opportunities that align with your purpose and passion.
  • Imagine if you could lead a spiritually and purposefully aligned life while creating massive wealth and living in luxury.
  • Imagine if you could finally overcome self-doubt, fear, and imposter syndrome and become the charismatic thought-leader you were born to be
  • Imagine if you could build thriving, intimate relationships that support and uplift you on your journey to success.
  • Imagine if you could wake up each day feeling energized, fulfilled, and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.
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The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind

An extraordinary holistic experience – designed specifically for ambitious, high achieving women like you who are ready to embark on a transformative journey to unlock their true potential and create a life of purpose, prosperity, and fulfillment.

Book your clarity call now


The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind

An extraordinary holistic experience – designed specifically for ambitious, high achieving women like you who are ready to embark on a transformative journey to unlock their true potential and create a life of purpose, prosperity, and fulfillment.

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With our step-by-step modules, you’ll learn how to gain clarity on your particular iconic gifts and how to bring it forth in the world. You’ll discover and create your own unique blueprint for how to create wealth by living intentionally, elevating your charisma and awakening your magnetic personality.

Picture yourself surrounded by a community of like-minded women on the same path as you and inspire, uplift, and empower you on your journey.

With The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, this becomes 

your reality.


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This is a 12-month experience that will propel you to ICONIC status by revolutionizing your career and/or business, finances, your relationships and overall life.

The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, the pinnacle of excellence in personal and professional development.

And here's why it stands head and shoulders above the rest:

Unparalleled Expertise:

Led by Ekene Onu, a renowned executive coach speaker and trainer, expert in leadership and business development, The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind offers a level of expertise that is second to none. Ekene's extensive experience coaching women across diverse sectors and cultures ensures that you receive the highest quality guidance and support.


Unlike other programs that focus solely on business or career growth, The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind takes a holistic approach, recognizing that true success comes from aligning every aspect of your life. We understand that your personal relationships, well-being, and spiritual fulfillment are integral components of your overall success and happiness.

Unique Blend of Strategies:

Our mastermind combines the best of both worlds, offering a unique blend of practical business and leadership strategies along with the wisdom of feminine energy mastery. This powerful combination empowers you to unlock your full potential, tap into your intuition, and create remarkable results.

Exclusive Highly Curated Community:

When you join The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you become part of a vibrant community of like-minded women who are not only your peers but also a valuable source of inspiration and wisdom. This supportive network provides a safe space for growth, collaboration, and networking opportunities that can significantly enhance your journey.

Comprehensive Curriculum:

Inside the mastermind, you'll find a comprehensive curriculum designed to address every facet of your personal and professional growth. From mindset and spiritual growth to extreme self-mastery, feminine energy leadership training, and business and career strategy, we leave no stone unturned in helping you become the best version of yourself.

High-Level Coaching and Support:

As a member of The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you'll receive high-level coaching and support from Ekene Onu and a team of experienced cohort coaches. This personalized attention ensures that you receive guidance tailored to your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations, helping you navigate any obstacles along your journey.

Transformational Experiences:

Beyond the curriculum and coaching, The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind offers access to extraordinary online and in person experiences that elevate and transform your life. From immersive retreats to exclusive events and opportunities, these experiences deepen your growth and allow you to connect with other extraordinary women on the same path.

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Learning Everything You Need To Know To Launch A New Venture Or Chart Your Path To Senior Leadership Can Be A Painful And Time-Consuming Process.

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The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind saves you from the pain and frustration of figuring it all out on your own.

As well as thousands of hours of research, trial, and error, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: crushing your goals and living a life of abundance.

Imagine the relief of having a proven plan and expert guidance to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship or career advancement as a high-achieving woman.

By enrolling in The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you're not just investing in a program—you're investing in yourself and your future.

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Think about the 

dream opportunities 



you will attract when you have the right knowledge, beliefs, support system to confidently take action.

The financial savings alone are significant, as you bypass the costly mistakes and detours that many face when trying to build their dreams.

But it's not just about the money—it's about reclaiming your time, energy, and peace of mind.

Instead of spending years trying to piece together scattered information, you can accelerate your growth and achieve results in a fraction of the time.

The expert guidance and support provided in The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind will empower you to make informed decisions, overcome obstacles, and reach your goals with confidence.

Do the inner soul work to deal with mindset, success blocks & foster spiritual growth

Structured so you can implement and get Results.

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The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is designed to make learning and implementing the materials doable,

while empowering you every step of the way, whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or just starting your career.

The materials are presented in a step-by-step format, making it easy for you to understand and implement the strategies and tactics you’ll learn.

You’ll be equipped with the knowledge you need, but also, we provide a supportive environment where you can grow and thrive at a deeper level.

With the Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you'll discover a seamless learning experience that caters to your unique journey and gives you a depth of understanding: No complex jargon or overwhelming concepts here.

All content is accessible, relatable, and deeply transformational. We have had psychologists, theologians, MBA’s, College professors, lawyers and physicians and more take this program and each of them has spoken highly about the quality of the curriculum.

Our dedicated team of expert support staff is here to guide and support you every step of the way. From clarifying concepts to addressing any questions or challenges you may face, we're committed to your growth and success.

You'll never feel alone on this journey.

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The mastermind is designed to cut through the noise and provide you with the most effective tools and techniques that deliver 

real results.

You won't waste precious months or years navigating trial and error. Instead, you'll benefit from a carefully curated curriculum and a supportive community that will accelerate your progress.

As you dive into the materials and implement the strategies, get ready to witness amazing results unfold in your life. You’ll make significant progress in a shorter amount of time, propelling you towards your goals with speed and precision.

How It Will Feel Like To Awaken

Your ICONIC Power

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Imagine a life where your career or business thrives, generating abundant wealth and financial freedom.

Picture yourself surrounded by fulfilling, intimate relationships that nourish your soul and bring you joy.

Envision living in a state of harmony, where your spiritual journey and material success coexist in perfect balance.

The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is your invitation to step into a world of ease, empowerment, and transformation.

When you implement the transformative teachings in the mastermind, you'll experience a profound shift in your mindset, unlocking the limitless potential within you.

As you apply the proven strategies and principles, your career or business will soar to new heights, generating increased revenue and opening doors to unprecedented opportunities.

But it doesn't stop there.

The impact of the mastermind extends to all areas of your life. Your relationships will flourish as you cultivate deep connections and learn how to communicate authentically.

Together, we'll unlock your true potential and create a life that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Remember, the world needs your unique brilliance and leadership.

If not now, then when?

Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back any longer. Take that leap of faith and invest in yourself.


Apply now and join The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind.

Together, we will shatter boundaries, achieve extraordinary success, and create a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

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The nuts and bolts

Here's a sneak peek of what you get by joining the mastermind:



Intimate Group Mastermind Coaching Sessions with Ekene:
Join Ekene and a select cohort of like-minded women in intimate group coaching sessions. Receive personalized guidance, support, and expertise directly from Ekene herself.



Online Learning Modules:
Gain access to eight comprehensive online modules that will elevate your leadership and business skills. Dive deep into topics such as mindset and spiritual growth, extreme self-mastery, feminine energy leadership training, and business and career strategy.



Complimentary ticket to Iconic Womanhood LIVE Conference*:
Immerse yourself in a powerful virtual conference where you'll connect with industry experts, thought leaders, and fellow mastermind participants. Gain invaluable insights, inspiration, and practical strategies to take your personal and professional life to new heights. *After at least 3 months participation



30% Discount on Iconic Woman Weekend Retreat*:
As an esteemed member of The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you'll enjoy an exclusive 30% discount on (*the tuition portion of price) for our annual in-person Iconic Woman Weekend retreat in the year of your mastermind. This immersive experience will further enhance your growth, expand your network, and provide you with a rejuvenating environment to nurture your soul.


By joining The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you'll become your most confident, spiritually centered, and highest performing self, ready to rise to the next level in your work and personal life.

Say goodbye to stress and burnout as you learn to launch or elevate your purposeful work without the need for constant hustle.

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Who The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is for:

  • Professional women who are ready to elevate their careers or businesses to the next level.
  • Women who have a deep desire to manifest their true purpose and create wealth through becoming thought leaders and change agents.
  • Individuals seeking soulful success in all aspects of their lives, including their businesses, relationships, and overall well-being.
  • Women who are looking for a deeper, more spiritual way of living and want to reconnect with their truth, passion, and desires.
  • Those who value personal growth and are committed to working on themselves, making the necessary time and effort to do so.

Who The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is not for:

  • Individuals who are not committed to personal growth and are not willing to invest the time and effort required to elevate themselves.
  • People who prefer a one-dimensional approach and are not interested in addressing all aspects of their lives to optimize their success.
  • Those who are resistant to change and unwilling to step out of their comfort zones to achieve their goals.
  • Individuals who are not open to embracing biblical spirituality or the concept of feminine energy in their personal and professional lives.
  • People seeking a quick fix or instant results without putting in the necessary work and commitment.
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The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is designed for women who are ready to launch

 to the next level.

If that’s you, now is the time to take action and apply to join. This is your opportunity to step into your power, embrace your unique gifts, and make a lasting impact on the world.

But here's the catch: time is of the essence.

The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind is an exclusive program and as such we have limited spots available.

We only accept a select number of ambitious women who are truly committed to their growth and are ready to take massive action. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity.


Apply now to secure your spot and embark on the transformative journey towards becoming the empowered, influential, and iconic woman you were always meant to be.


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listen to some of our past members

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About Your


Hey congrats on making it to the bottom of this page!

I'm Ekene Onu, and I want to share my personal journey with you. It's a story of struggles, growth, and ultimately, finding my purpose. I believe that by sharing my experiences, I can show you that transformation is possible for anyone, including you.

I started my career as a pharmacist, but deep down, I knew it wasn't my true calling. I felt unfulfilled, trapped in a life that didn't align with my passions and aspirations. I was living to please others, losing touch with my own power and dreams. It was a painful place to be, and I know many of you can relate.

I reached a point where I couldn't ignore the unhappiness and imbalance in my life any longer. The relationships I had were unfulfilling, and toxic dynamics were draining my energy. My self-worth had taken a hit, and I felt disconnected from my own womanhood and spirituality.

But here's the thing: I didn't let those circumstances define me. Instead, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. I pursued further education, studying Organizational and Change Leadership, becoming a certified social and emotional intelligence coach, and a Diversity and Inclusion trainer.

Through my own transformation, I discovered the power of mindset, spirituality, and feminine energy leadership. I saw firsthand how these elements can unlock unlimited potential and pave the way to success and abundance. It became my mission to share this knowledge and support other women on their own journeys.


That's why I created The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind—to provide a safe and empowering space for women like you to grow, thrive, and become the best versions of themselves. In this mastermind, I combine my expertise, experience, and unwavering dedication to guide you towards your own transformation.

I understand the struggles you face, trying to build a successful career or business while longing for meaningful relationships. I've felt the desire to lead a spiritual and purposeful life while creating wealth and living in luxury. That's why I've carefully curated the content, coaching sessions, and community within this mastermind to address these pain points and provide the guidance and support you need.

By joining The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind, you'll gain access to my personal insights, strategies, and a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. Together, we will navigate the challenges, celebrate the victories, and empower each other to step into our full potential.

I invite you to take this journey with me. It's time to break free from limitations, embrace your true power, and live a life that's aligned with your deepest desires.

Apply now to join The Iconic Womanhood Mastermind today and let's embark on this transformative journey together.


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